Monday, May 19, 2008

"Sex and the City" THE MOVIE!!!!

Hey Everybody

So, are you getting excited for the big "Sex and the City" movie release?!?! Ladies- I think you are with me on that one!! Woo-hoo! May 28th is the big day....two days before the US release!

"Sex and the City" is an HBO show that ran six seaxons from 1998 to 2004. It won many Golden Globes and Emmy awards. The show is consiered a sitcom though there are some serialized story lines (stories that pass from one episode to another, like in a soap opera). The show is hailed as one of, if not the most important shows

Noted as one of, if not the most, important television TV shows for fashion. Viewers tune in to see not only what leading lady Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) is going to do, but also what she is going to WEAR!

"Sex and the City" follows for New York friends, Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte and while is often very funny, the show also tackles many relevant social issues, particularly the issues facing women in the late 90s and the new millenium.

The "Sex and the City" has been long awaited by dedicated fans across the globe. I highly recommend that you see the movie AND watch the show in its original version!!! The show is famous for all of its witty comments and little just can't translate those kinds of things!!!

If you can watch the show on DVD, I recommend watching it in English with English subtitles. It might be hard at first...but you will catch on quickly!! And it's great practice :)

If you have time for a little fun...take this quiz and find out which "Sex and the City" character you are! Answer these ten questions...

And... do you know your "Sex and the City" ladies?
From left to right... Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha, Miranda!

Monday, May 12, 2008

You Bring Your Own World

A friend of mine is volunteering with the Peace Corps in Togo. In case you aren't familiar with the Peace Corps, it traces its roots and mission back to 1960, when then Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. From that inspiration grew an agency of the federal government devoted to world peace and friendship.

Since that time, more than 190,000 Peace Corps Volunteers have been invited by 139 host countries to work on issues ranging from AIDS education to information technology and environmental preservation. Volunteers spend a little of two years in the host country. My friend is a little over half way through her mission and though it is often very difficult and challenging, she is really enjoying her experience.

This is a great story that she recently shared with me:

A man came into a town and asked an old woman what the people of the village were like. She asked him what he thought of the village he had just left. He replied, “They were mean, lazy, and disrespectful.”

She replied, “You will find the villagers here to be about the same.”

A second man came and asked the same old woman the same question, but instead insisted that the people of his previous village were hospitable, kind, and hard working.

The old woman replied, “You will find the villagers here to be about the same.”

An onlooker rushed over to the woman and demanded to know how she could say the total opposite thing to the two men yet still be telling the truth.

The wise old woman replied, “Because the truth is, you bring your world. If you find people nice, they will be. If you find people mean, they will act accordingly.”